Pastor’s Pen

A Thankful Person

An early twentieth century preacher put forth, “We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” People have the capacity to become so engrossed in our pursuits, dreams and responsibilities that we can overlook the importance of expressing gratitude to God daily.

Gratitude is a potent prescription to the affliction of discontentment and dissatisfaction which can seep into our lives like water seeps in the cracks of a wall. Discontentment is problematic in the lives of people similar to a dangerous polluted cloud in the forest.  The contaminated fog of dissatisfaction—-financial dissatisfaction, relational dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction on the job—- slowly enters into our emotions and psyche. 

As a result, discontentment impairs our reasoning and causes us to devalue ourselves because we disqualify ourselves of worth often due to a craving or restless desire for something we do not have. If we are not careful, discontentment will lead us down the debilitating and destructive path of envy with regard to other people’s possessions or success.

However, thanksgiving is a remedy for this illness of the soul because we find solace in expressing gratitude to God in the present. Discontentment is rooted in regret and dreads the future but thanksgiving motivates us to appreciate God’s faithfulness each day. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 records, “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 

Thanksgiving is a characteristic of believers and a reflection of our faith in God. Thus, thanksgiving is not only essential but it is possible for believers to express gratitude to God in all circumstances. A little thanksgiving to God each day takes the discontentment away.

Brothers and Sisters, take the time today to be thankful to God. Tell God thanks for protecting us, providing for us and saving us. Situations can change but God is faithful and deserving of our thanksgiving.

Pastoral Prayer for Today: God we are thankful to you and today we give thanks for all you have done. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.