Our Safe Sanctuary Policy

Safety First!

Christ Church United Methodist believes that all children, youth and vulnerable adults have the right to safe sanctuary. Therefore, we are committed to provide an environment in which these persons are safe from neglect or abuse. To that end, CCUM is certified a Safe Sanctuary.


Summary of Issues:

Because the tragedy of abuse of children, youth, and vulnerable adults is a reality in our world, and because we recognize our responsibility to ensure a safe and protected environment for our children, The Greater New Jersey Annual Conference (GNJAC) of the United Methodist Church has developed a policy and associated guidelines to reduce the risk of abuse of children and youth in our church.

Jesus made the importance of children clear when he said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Emulating his example, the churches and their organizations, within the GNJAC has grown to be an important place for nurturing children and youth in faith.

The Christ Church United Methodist Church and this policy attempts to prayerfully and faithfully identify areas of risk and take steps to reduce that risk. This policy is in compliance with the Greater NJ Conference Safe Sanctuaries Policy, approved June 2005. This policy and the guidelines herein are to be followed by all persons, ministries and programs dealing with children, youth (under age 18) and vulnerable adults. 

Worker Requirements:

Screening and background checks shall be required of all persons involved in church children’s programs and Minis- tries unless a more stringent check is required to satisfy the standards of a licensing agency.

Some of the Basic Procedures for Safe Ministry with Children and Youth:

All church children and youth programs should adhere to the following basic procedural guidelines.

The “Two-Adult” Rule: 2 adults should be present at all times. Avoid all one-adult-one-child situations, such as closed -door bathroom breaks.
• Annual Orientation: to remind all volunteers and paid staff of appropriate behavior; accepted policies and procedures.

  • The “Five-Years-Older” Rule: Adults should be at least 5 years older than the oldest youth.
  • Un-shaded windows in all classroom doors.
  • Open-door counseling.
  • Advance notice to parents about program events and activities.
  • Parent and family education about abuse and the components of the Safe Sanctuaries Policy.
  • Appropriate equipment and supervision for the setting and activity. Some settings or activities will require more supervision or expertise than others.
  • Rules and guidelines for all church computers and Internet activities.
  • Transportation and sleeping arrangements for overnight trips must be thoughtfully planned out and be appropriate to the guideline found in the 2008 edition of Safe Sanctuaries.

All volunteers working with youth and vulnerable adults will have background checks administered through a third party. The background checks encompass criminal and NJ motor vehicles information.

Christ Church is committed to SAFETY FIRST when it comes to our children, youth and vulnerable adults.